A Band of Brothers

“A Band of Brothers” is a mid-week men’s Bible Study/accountability class that meets every Wednesday from 6:30 – 7:45 pm at the church. Our prayer is that this time together will become a real unifying time for the men of RCC as we gather around God’s Word, encourage one another in the faith, and strive to properly answer His call on our lives as spiritual leaders, both at home and in the church. That call is summed up in these inspired words from the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

Here are a few things we’ve engaged in the past:

We encourage you to join us in the fight for growth in godliness, for “as iron sharpens iron, so shall one man sharpen another.” (Prov. 27:17)


The Women’s Ministry of Rockdale Community Church exists to promote a deeper knowledge and love for Jesus Christ by providing opportunities through Bible Study, fellowship and outreach for women in all stages of life. We joyfully submit to the Elders of RCC and their leadership of this local body of believers. We would like to extend our invitation to you to participate in any of the opportunities available. You may join in at any time.

 Bekah Kirkland, Coordinator

Bible Study

On Wednesday night we gather together to study God’s word. Our study times are normally from 6:15PM to 7:45PM. Please check the calendar for any changes in the schedule.

Previous Studies



Each year, the women’s ministry of Rockdale Community Church sponsors a Baby Shower Brunch to help to support the local Pregnancy Center. The Women of RCC provide the brunch items and bring a new baby item to donate to the center. We also send a special invitation to the Volunteers and Staff of the Refuge Pregnancy Center in Conyers. The purpose of this shower is three-fold:

  • to provide much needed baby items and supplies to Refuge;
  • to thank and encourage the Volunteers and staff of Refuge;
  • and to heighten the awareness to our local church of the valuable ministry that happens within the walls of this local ministry.


The vision of the RCC Children’s Ministry is three fold:

  1. A biblical, God-centered focus on all teaching and training that is conducted for the children under our care.
  2. a focus on the children, the next generation;
  3. a focus on the parents, as those accountable for training their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord;


Sunday Morning

We invite you to join us for Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.


Mid Week

KID’S ROCK, our midweek children’s program, for ages 4 – 6th grade, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45 p.m. during the school year.


Vacation Bible School & Kid’s Rock Music Camp

We conduct an annual Summer Music Camp which runs for one week during summer vacation. Morning schedule includes lesson time, recreation time, and craft time. After a break for lunch, the children learn a musical that relates to the lesson theme of the week and then perform this musical on Friday evening.   The musical is not mandatory.  This is a wonderful week of extended time learning great truths about our BIG GOD!



In alignment with our vision, we take the responsibility of our children very seriously. We have recently drafted a Policies and Procedures Manual to include online training that provides structure and safety precautions for all of our children, birth thru youth. We also perform background checks of anyone involved in area with our children.  These policies are reviewed on a regular basis to determine if anything should be added to them or taken away from them.  We welcome any feedback on our policies.


At Rockdale Community Church we believe training up the next generation is a responsibility belonging to all of God’s people. The leadership in the home, ministers in the church, and members of RCC are to work together in fostering spiritual growth and unity among rising generations. The Bible instructs the people of God to train up their children in the testimonies and laws of the Lord (Psalm 78:1-8). It is our aim to assist the home in teaching the next generation to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and might (Deuteronomy 6:5). We seek to accomplish this by example and formal teaching. We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). RCC strives to prepare the next generation of leaders with a biblical apologetic that speaks truth into a world that rejects the design and purposes which God has established.

If you are between 7th and 12th grade and are interested in growing in fellowship with Christ and other peers, we invite you to join us on Wednesday nights. We meet weekly at the church in modular building #3. Gather at 6:15 p.m. for refreshments. Lessons begin at 6:45 p.m. We look forward in meeting you!


The Small Group Ministry at Rockdale Community Church functions during two seasons of the calendar year – from March through May and September through November. We intentionally change the membership in each group each season in order to allow people to interact with different people and to guard against a group becoming a “clique.” Small groups do not exist to become “little churches within the church.” They exist to ultimately edify the entire body by striving for the following goals:

  1. To display God-honoring hospitality to our church family by meeting in homes of members, usually around a meal.
  2. To get to know others in the body more intimately through heterogeneous grouping (older members with younger members; single members with married members; adults with youth and children; etc.).
  3. To enhance and deepen the fellowship and unity among members of the body.
  4. To encourage one another.
  5. To love one another more deeply from the heart.
  6. To reach out to and include others outside of RCC (unchurched and/or unsaved).
  7. To grow in being gospel-centered as we focus on the faith that unites us.

We pray that you consider joining in this vital body life ministry.




Moe & Git Montenegro

Campus Outreach Thailand

P.O. Box 6 KKU Sila

Amphur Muang

KhonKaen 40002 Thailand



Imbumi & Martha Makuku

Kenya Mercy Ministries Nairobi, Kenya

P.O. Box 3130 – Manassas, VA 20108



Operation Mobilization

Margie Janowski



Laura Way

FamilyLife – A Cru Ministry



Scott & Angela Shepherd

(Campus Crusade for Christ/Athletes in Action)

1585 Dunbar Court

Auburn, AL 36830




Ken & Connie Temple



Refuge Pregnancy Center

1307 Milstead Avenue

Conyers, GA 30016


Andrew & Jami Harris

Campus Outreach, Birmingham, England



Ryan & Emily Currie

C & M A in Mongolia


Missionaries to Central Asia

(Unnamed family because of security reasons – our longtime RCC friends)


Caleb & Melissa Gibello


Papua, New Guinea


Jessi Fincher

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Madison, Georgia